One of the most frequent challenges I face in business is that of getting some of my clients to effectively and efficiently manage their social media presence. Too often, harder priorities get in the way of the seemingly trivial task of writing a case study, securing a testimonial or announcing a business win.

I don’t remember ever reading a blog post written about getting some old invoices paid or making a personal visit to a client to apologise for a missed delivery. Though, I reckon there is a nice blog series in the drudge of our business reality.
I have a great system to get my customers up and running and more importantly to keep them posting regular, relevant content. It’s really satisfying to see it working. By applying the system, there are regular, interesting and varied posts appearing on social media. Engagement levels are great and business leads grow.

This brings me to the whole point of this post. While I have done a great job for my customers, I have been lax in practising what I preach. I hear myself mutter things like “It’s always the painter’s house that is in need of painting.” or “You never saw a cobbler in a good pair of shoes”. This is not good enough. So, I have written a number of posts, loaded them into the website, timed their publication and organised their social sharing.
I also believe that it’s cathartic to face into your own deficiencies, fix what you can and move forward. So with Luke 4:23 as a guide (I’m not a religious man, BTW), I needed to get my own house in order. As I’m typing this, I have three other posts written and scheduled to publish over the coming weeks. That gets me off the hook for a while.
“Physician, heal thyself”
Luke 4:23